Age of Asteroids
Still alive? YES!
I recently got a youtube comment from a user, asking if the game is still alive

Yes it is alive - I just degraded it to a hobby project at the moment (failed funding), I just don't have enough time to work on the game AND make videos and reports about the game.

I now, that this is not good for the overall popularity of the game, but I actually want to work on it prior to do publicity for it - I did at an earlier state and wasn't successful, so I work on the game more or less behind the scenes.

There is a lot of stuff going on so far, I am working partly on different aspects of the game, building in features, make the one or other new model/building/ship/feature but just do not report about it.

I also do not want to push out any update which I think will not give a more or less state which is enjoyable - I am sorry for that to be honest and I hope I can get more time dedicated into game content, so I can publish a fresh update which makes the Alpha Version more enjoyable as a game

I am also tracking any messages or board entries you send me and plan those into the feature list.

I know it's easy to say sorry, but it is a time consuming progress to make a game for a single person.

Oh! The latest changes in the code already are optimised for a "maybe" multiplayer option .. lots of testing involved for this :-( not sure if it will work out like I expect.

So stay tuned, AoA Fans! Development is going on! ;-)
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2015/01/03 02:35
Hi, if you can give us a game, to test and talk about in my youtube channel how cool your game is and where to suppport your game :)
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